Hi all,

Tomorrow we'll hear from Christophe Piveteau, who has just completed his master's thesis at IBM. He'll speak about "Advanced Methods for Quasiprobabilistic Quantum Error Mitigation", see the abstract below. We meet at 2pm on zoom: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/362994444.



Abstract: Current quantum computers are plagued by prohibitive amounts of noise, which complicates the experimental realization of useful quantum algorithms that outperform classical computers. Quantum error mitigation techniques could constitute a potential avenue to demonstrate this feat without the need for fault-tolerant quantum error correction. One method in this family of mitigation techniques is the quasiprobability method introduced by Temme et al.. It simulates a noise-free quantum computer with a noisy one, with the caveat of only producing the correct expected values of measurement observables. The cost of a quasiprobability simulation manifests as a sampling overhead which scales exponentially in the number of error-mitigated gates in the circuit. In this thesis we aim to reduce the exponential basis of that overhead, which in turn allows the application of the quasiprobability method to deeper quantum circuits. A central result is the introduction of a novel scheme, which we call Stinespring algorithm, that aims to choose the quasiprobability decomposition in a noise-aware manner.