Dear Santu,

You can follow this guide to build ALPS from source.

Follow your file structure, after `cd build` you can try:

`cmake -DBoost_ROOT _DIR:PATH=/home/cces/Downloads/ALPS/alps-2.2.b4-src-with-boost/boost /home/cces/Downloads/ALPS/alps-2.2.b4-src-with-boost/alps`

And the dependent libraries need also be installed carefully. If you meet any problems, please let me know.


Libraries and tools needed to build ALPS. ALPS will need the following libraries and tools in addition to the ALPS sources: CMake version 2.8 or higher as a build system. ...


From: Comp-phys-alps-users <> on behalf of S Baidya <>
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2018 9:21
Subject: [ALPS-users] Problem in installing ALPS code in Ubuntu
Dear ALPS users,

  I have downloaded alps-2.2.b4-src-with-boost.tar.gz in my linux pc with Ubuntu. I installed required python packages python2.7.

I then untar by tar -xvzf alps-2.2.b4-src-with-boost.tar.gz

Then mkdir build
Then cd build

 Then cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/cces/Downloads/ALPS/alps-2.2.b4-src-with-boost/alps/ ..

I got an error. I tried different ways too using conda install but it did not work.

So, I thought to build from source in linux as suggested in some websites.

I have attached the Log file of the error.

Can anyone please help me to install the alps in linux pc.

I sent this mail before but I found there was an issue with maximum size of mail. So I have attached only one error file.

Thanking you,
