From: Fu-Jiun Jiang ITP <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 13:08:53 +0100 (CET)
Thanks for the quick response. This is exactly what I thought
(and did). However to my surprise, the output file of " ladder " is
so large (compared to the usual square lattices), it is impossible
to " firefox " or " convert2tex " the " *.tast1.out.xml " file! Any
suggestion will be appreciated!
Since your lattice does not have translational symmetry any more, all
the combinations of two sites (N*(N-1)/2) will be measured and stored
independently. If you are interested in the correlation function from
a specific site (say the boundary site), you can specify parameter
INITIAL_SITE to its index (e.g INITIAL_SITE = 0), which greatly
reduces the output size from O(N^2) to O(N).