Dear Mr Troyer,

thank you for the help. I'm going to edit the file and I'll write to you soon  to let you know if the program works properly.

Thank you again for the help,
best regards
Rachele Nerattini

2011/8/1 Matthias Troyer <>
Here is the patch. I'll add that to the next release.

--- mc/spins/spinmc_factory.C (revision 5665)
+++ mc/spins/spinmc_factory.C (working copy)
@@ -139,6 +139,8 @@
       return 0;
+  else if (parms["MODEL"]=="O(4)")
+    return new SpinSim<ONMoment<4>,MIdMatrix<double,4> >(where,parms,node);
   else if (parms["MODEL"]=="Heisenberg")
     switch (maxElemCount) {
       case 1:

On 14 Jul 2011, at 05:11, Rachele Nerattini wrote:

Dear Mr Troyer,

I've already written to you some months ago to ask you how could I perform a MC classical simulation of the O(4) model.
I've edited the file spinmc_factory.C as you suggested and typed make install to make it work.
The installation of every packages seemed to be ended well. So I prepared the input file with MODEL O(4) but It didn't  work.
It seemed as if the simulation started in the proper way but then it stopped with this error:

impossible to perform the simulation, impossible to find the O(4) model in the file

What is this file? Where I can find it and how can I edit it?

Thank you for your help and sorry for my several requests of help.

Best Regards
Rachele Nerattini