Hi all,
Is it not possible to define a simple graph with complex hopping parameter in the Hamiltonian when using fulldiagonization?

For example, a 4-site chain is defined using a simple graph as

<GRAPH name="Chain" vertices="  4">
  <VERTEX id="  1" type="0"></VERTEX>
  <VERTEX id="  2" type="0"></VERTEX>
  <VERTEX id="  3" type="0"></VERTEX>
  <VERTEX id="  4" type="0"></VERTEX>
  <EDGE type="0" source="  1" target="  2"/>
  <EDGE type="0" source="  2" target="  3"/>
  <EDGE type="0" source="  3" target="  4"/>

which I could also use the lattices.xml in the lattice libraries.I discovered that when the lattice in the libraries is used, it works well for complex hopping but using a simple graphs I got the following errors 'can not convert complex number into real one'.Any reason for this error?The reason I want to use a simple graph is because I want to use a different lattice structure for my calculations.

