thank you for your reply.
I want to put the a.task1.out to a to compile the output file.because every time I calculate 100 values at least ,thank you.
At 2011-04-16, wrote:
>Send Comp-phys-alps-users mailing list submissions to
>To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>You can reach the person managing the list at
>When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>than "Re: Contents of Comp-phys-alps-users digest..."
>Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: about printgraph (???)
>Message: 1
>Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2011 09:51:03 +0800
>From: ??? <>
>Subject: Re: [ALPS-users] about printgraph
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=GB2312
>Dear Rui:
> As I know, a .xml file would be the output file, rather than the
>input file, of the command "printgraph".
> Suppose you have the following parameter file (such as "parm1a" in ED-01):
> LATTICE="chain lattice"
> MEASURE_CORRELATIONS[Diagonal spin correlations]=Sz
> MEASURE_CORRELATIONS[Offdiagonal spin correlations]="Splus:Sminus"
> local_S=1
> J=1
> {L=4;}
>If you want to check its grapha, you first need to edit the above file
>into the following form?
> LATTICE="chain lattice"
> L=4
>which is saved as a file "_tobechecked_".
>Then you can run the following command:
>printgraph _tobechecked_
>And you would get a .xml file describing the grapha of the model.
>At present my computer is not at hand, thus I answer the question just
>with the help of my memory.
>And I hope I have not missed any important points.
>Good Luck
>2011/4/15 <>:
>> Send Comp-phys-alps-users mailing list submissions to
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of Comp-phys-alps-users digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>> 1. problems with "printgraph" or "lattice viewer" or "lattice
>> previewer" (zheng rui)
>> 2. boost_filesystem causes exception (Andreas Herrmann)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 12:56:10 +0800
>> From: zheng rui <>
>> Subject: [ALPS-users] problems with "printgraph" or "lattice viewer"
>> or "lattice previewer"
>> To:
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>> Dear professors:
>> Yesterday i tried many ways to print out the lattice graph from the xml
>> file, but still i cant make it. I install alps from synaptic of Ubuntu
>> Marverick 10.10. In the tutorials, it says "printgraph parameter_file" will
>> generate the graphy, so i made a xml file "temp.xml" like this:
>> <LATTICE name="square" dimension="2">
>> <BASIS>
>> <VECTOR> 1 0 </VECTOR>
>> <VECTOR> 0 1 </VECTOR>
>> </BASIS>
>> <FINITELATTICE name="rectangular periodic" dimension="2">
>> <LATTICE ref="square"/>
>> <EXTENT dimension="1" size="5"/>
>> <EXTENT dimension="2" size="6"/>
>> <BOUNDARY type="periodic"/>
>> <UNITCELL name="complex example" dimension="2" vertices="2">
>> <VERTEX id="1" type="0"><COORDINATE> 0.3 0.7 </COORDINATE></VERTEX>
>> <VERTEX id="2" type="1"><COORDINATE> 0.6 0.3 </COORDINATE></VERTEX>
>> <EDGE><SOURCE vertex="1"/><TARGET vertex="1" offset="1 0"/></EDGE>
>> <EDGE><SOURCE vertex="1"/><TARGET vertex="1" offset="0 1"/></EDGE>
>> <EDGE><SOURCE vertex="1"/><TARGET vertex="2"/></EDGE>
>> <FINITELATTICE ref="rectangular periodic"/>
>> <UNITCELL ref="complex example"/>
>> then i type "printgraph temp.xml", and it returns error: Caught exception:
>> parameter parse error at "<LATTICES> <LATTICE name="squa"
>> i also tried the and but got the same error
>> msg, i dont know how to make printgraph work normally, can anyone show me an
>> example?
>> In this posting:
>> someone had already asked exactly the same question, and i have installed
>> all the stuff as Synge Todo said, and it did show a 3 dimensional cone after
>> i type "wxVTKRenderWindowInteractorConeExample()" but after this i still
>> dont know how to move on. In the pdf
>> Synge Todo had showed a simple gui of making lattice and parameters, i dont
>> know how to get the gui like that, i found the "
>>, printgraph.c" files in the
>> "alps-2.0.0-r5363-src-with-boost/alps/tool/" documentary after i unzip the
>> alps-2.0.0-r5363-src-with-boost.tar.gz<>,
>> so i think there must be ways to print the lattice graph, i tried to
>> compile the "", but it says "no module named config", so i
>> download a config softpackage from this website:
>> and install the package so i could import config module in python, then i
>> try to compile again, it says config module has no attribute
>> version, i guess the config module in alps should be connected with the file
>> "" in the tool documentary, but not the config softpackage i
>> download, but i dont know how to use the "" file, so i get
>> stucked again.
>> In another posting:
>> someone also asked a similar question, and Matthias suggested " To visualize
>> it please use the lattice viewer that i send in a separate mail and
>> copy&paste above text into it ", so i wonder whether the lattice previewer
>> tool is only for private use, but those postings were years ago, i m
>> confused.
>> Hope someone could tell me how to print out the lattice graph when i want to
>> make my own lattice.
>> Thanks and Best Wishes!
>> Rui
>> -------------- next part --------------
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>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 00:42:31 +0200
>> From: Andreas Herrmann <>
>> Subject: [ALPS-users] boost_filesystem causes exception
>> To: <>
>> Message-ID: <1302820951.19397.45.camel@Lemming>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
>> Dear Alps users,
>> there is a bug in the boost library that is shipped with alps.
>> On some systems, any program that is linked to boost_filesystem or alps
>> aborts with the following error message.
>> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
>> what(): locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid
>> Aborted
>> This bug is known and a patch exists [1]. I tried the patch and it
>> worked for me.
>> Another quick workaround is setting LC_ALL="C".
>> I'm currently using Ubuntu 10.10. The bug appears both in the
>> deb-package and also when compiling from source.
>> deb-version: alps 2.0.0-4, boost 1.45.0-1
>> source package: alps-2.0.0-r5363-src-with-boost
>> Best regards,
>> Andreas Herrmann
>> [1]
>> End of Comp-phys-alps-users Digest, Vol 61, Issue 5
>> ***************************************************
>End of Comp-phys-alps-users Digest, Vol 61, Issue 6