Dear Mateusz,

I had the same problem. As you wrote it, the solution I'm using consists  in having separate temp directory for each jobs and a script that cleans the directory before the dmrg job starts. The only thing I have to pay attention to is  not assigning the same directory to two jobs...

best regards,

Benoît Grémaud


Researcher at CNRS,

Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (Paris, France) and UMI Merlion-MajuLab (Singapore)

Visiting Associate Professor at the Centre for Quantum Technologies (NUS, Singapore)

2014-09-13 17:37 GMT+08:00 Mateusz Łącki <>:
Dear All,
I am still using alps-dmrg for my computation - mps_optim is giving me some troubles, that I will describe later in a separate email.
Is is possible to ask the dmrg application to clean its temporary files after computation is done? the folder which I have specified using
is filled with old data. Of course I could write a script that checks launch date of each of „dmrg“ processes currently running and deletes all older files, but it seems really cumbersome.

Kind Regards,
Mateusz Łącki