Dear all,
 Recently I use dmrg of alps. I run three dmrg programs simultaneously and sometimes I get the following information, which stop the program.
 I raise a question: since the dmrg write files while it is running, is there a problem when several programs run? These program may wirte the same files to the same folder, which will cause a problem. (I use the alps in windows 7).
 Thank you very much.

Huaiming Guo

The group '/spectrum' does not exist.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\VisTrails\Python27_64\lib\site-packages\pyalps\"
, line 269, in ReadDiagDataFromFile
    if 'results' in self.h5f.list_children(respath):
PathNotFound: The group '/spectrum' does not exist.