
Recently I found that an implementation of the continuous-time QMC hybridization scheme (CT-HYB) has been included in the ALPS library and I'd like to learn how it works, so I installed the binary packages of alps 2.2.0b3, vistrails 2.1.2 and alps-vistrails-2.2.0b3 on Mac OS X 10.10.3. I've tested a few tutorials to make sure the installation was complete. 

However, tutorial1.py in the hybridization tutorial told me that it couldn't find the cthyb module, and tutorial2~4 told me it couldn't find both boost.mpi and cthyb. Is it because the v2.2.0b3 binary package does not have them compiled and I have to rebuild the library from the source code? (I don't have MPI or Open MPI installed on my Mac, by the way. Does it matter?)

Moreover, I tried to follow the instruction in doc/hybdoc.pdf to run hybridization from scratch, but there's a file "delta.dat" containing hybridization functions which I don't know how to produce. Did I miss something in the tutorial?

Thank you.  

ps. I'm aware that CT-HYB is implemented as an impurity solver for the DMFT applications. But my project does not need DMFT calculations and I intend to simply use hybridization as a stand-alone module.

Leo (Fang Yao-Lung)
Duke Physics