Dear Benoît,

Thank you for sending the file "cmake_install.cmake" which was taken from
lib/pyalps under your build directory as I understood. It looks like your build directory
is the same as your installation directory. Is that the case? In line 41 of the file
your install destination reads


with ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} being "/home/gremaud/alps/alps-2.0.0-r5363" as defined in line 5,
while from the build directory "" is referenced as "/home/gremaud/alps/alps-2.0.0-r5363/lib/pyalps/"
I guess your installation moves the file "" from your build directory to your installation directory and thus
the file "" is deleted after this stage of installation is supposed to be passed. If the build directory and the installation
directory is the same, it might happen that a target file is copied onto itself and then deleted. To avoid such complication
having a separate installation directory might help. At least now I am reproducing the problem by setting the build directory
and the installation directory to be the same.

best regards,