Dear ALPS team, 

I have recently installed alps to use CT_QMC. Running in the alps/tutorials/hybridization-01-python results 

$ alpspython

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 49, in <module>
    import pyalps.mpi as mpi     # MPI library (required)
  File "/home/fheydari/MPS/lib/pyalps/", line 39, in <module>
    from boost.mpi import *
ImportError: No module named boost.mpi

$ mpirun -np 2 alpspython
/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.2.146/mpirt/bin/intel64/mpirun: 96: .: Can't open /opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.2.146/mpirt/bin/intel64/

While i have installed mpi:

$ which mpirun

As I know from the 

Documentation – Hybridization Expansion CT-QMC solver version 3.0b1
Emanuel Gull, Hartmut Hafermann, and Philipp Werner

MPI is required. Would you please help me to resolve this issue? 

Best regards,

Fateme Heydari-Nasab, Ph.D.
University of Sistan and Baluchestan
University Blvd, Zahedan, Iran
PoBox: 98155-987
Tel: +98-54-31136391