Dear alps users and developers,

I recently installed the ALPS libraries without any problem in Debian 8.6. Following the tutorials in the wiki page I’ve been able to create my own lattices and running some example simulations. Right now, I’m studying a system (Classic Monte Carlo) that has two types of spins under the presence of an external magnetic field, the Hamiltonian is like :


J1*(S1i * S1j) + J2*(S2i * S2j) + J12*(S1i * S2j) + (Zeeman)


For what I’ve been reading in the help page and forum, all observables calculated in terms of energy units. Can someone explain me how convert all the quantities to traditional units like Kelvin, Tesla, etc...?  I have the magnetization, specific heat and connected susceptibility for a wide range of different J1, J2 and J12 couplings and external fields.


I looked in previous post and information in the wiki page without success. I hope you can help me, I would really appreciate.



