Hi all,

I am a new user of the ALPS package.I successfully installed the package on our machines and I have run some examples in the tutorial directory.

I have 2 questions:

1.For a 1D Hubbard model with a complex 't' (hopping) parameter, is it ok to make t complex in the input file?I actually did a run where I used the following input file for the full diagonalization:

LATTICE="open chain lattice";
  MODEL="fermion Hubbard";
  L=4, Nup_total=1, Ndown_total=1

which actually gave some results but I just want to confirm if the results obtained with such input are ok.

2.How does one adjust the input file for a site dependent parameters model?For example, I am interested in a 1D Hubbard model with 10-site chain for which the U term on the first 5 sites are different from the remaining 5 sites (ie 1st 5 sites have U=U1 and the last 5 sites have U=U2) with a different hopping parameter linking the 2 sets of sites.What will change in the input file for such a site dependent model?

Best regards.
