I am having some trouble determining the mean field parameters in an accurate way. The approach I have used so far is consistent with what is usually done in literature: We minimize the mean field ground state energy (assuming T=0) with respect to the
mean field parameters and solve the resulting self-consistency equations for a number of initial parameter guesses, accepting as the solution that which gives the lowest value for the ground state energy. Even if the lattice is composed of 20 to 40 sites in
each spatial direction, the run-time of the computation varies between 2-8 hours, and the results are inconsistent. Going to the more accurate continuum limit, where the self-consistency equations become integrals over the Brillouin zone, the run-time is so
high that the approach is unreasonable. This integral approach has, however, proven successful in one dimension for a simpler initial Hamiltonian.
The question I am asking is therefore if there is an implementation in ALPS that can be used to determine these mean field parameters. I am perhaps worried that the problem I'm working on is a bit too "narrow" to be covered by ALPS, which seem to me to
have excellent approaches to the more general Hamiltonians that one often starts out with (e.g. the original Kane-Mele-Hubbard model, Eq. (1) in"Phys. Rev. B 85,
195126"). If anyone has any ideas or pointers, I would be most grateful.
I apologize for the longevity of the mail and thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Stein Kåre L. Fosstveit