Just to be clear, dash is now the ubuntu default shell.

Thanks for your assistance.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 16, 2010, at 9:28 AM, Matthias Troyer <troyer@phys.ethz.ch> wrote:

Indeed, that is the problem. Please use the nightly snapshot (or release 2.0.0b3 that comes our on Monday)


On 16 Jul 2010, at 09:34, Noah Rahman wrote:

ALPS is bash compatible, no? Might that be the source of the fd errors?

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 8:28 AM, Noah Rahman <selimthegrim@gmail.com> wrote:
Sorry, I have 2.0.0b2. Running the first mc tutorial in my install directory, which is gien to vistrails (opt/alps/bin), I see the following in the small dump screen in the lower right corner

selimthegrim@Rimsky-Korsakoffee:~/vistrails-src-1.5-rev1832/vistrails$ python vistrails.py
Initializing basic_modules
Initializing persistence
Initializing vtlcreator
Initializing pythonCalc
Initializing spreadsheet
Loading Spreadsheet widgets...
==> Successfully import <Basic Widgets>
==> Successfully import <WebKit Viewer>
==> Successfully import <Image Viewer>
==> Successfully import <HTML Viewer>
==> Successfully import <SVG Widgets>
Initializing controlflow
Initializing HTTP
Initializing webServices
/home/selimthegrim/vistrails-src-1.5-rev1832/vistrails/core/modules/package.py:248: DeprecationWarning: the multifile module has been deprecated since Python 2.5
(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level))
Initializing pylab
Initializing alps
use_python_source and hidden ports is currently not possible
use_python_source and hidden ports is currently not possible
use_python_source and hidden ports is currently not possible
use_python_source and hidden ports is currently not possible
Initializing dialogs
Initializing vtk
Initializing abstraction
Pipeline cannot be instantiated:
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 1.4.2 of package edu.utah.sci.vistrails.basic
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
running handle_invalid_pipeline
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 1.4.2 of package edu.utah.sci.vistrails.basic
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 1.4.2 of package edu.utah.sci.vistrails.basic
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
** trying to fix errors in org.comp-phys.alps
default upgrades
running module_upgrade_request Convert2XML
running module_upgrade_request WriteInputFiles
in_remap: WriteInputFiles
running module_upgrade_request SimulationName
running module_upgrade_request SetLabels
in_remap: SetLabels
running module_upgrade_request RunSpinMC
running module_upgrade_request LatticeModel
in_remap: LatticeModel
running module_upgrade_request ShowListOfPlots
running module_upgrade_request GetCloneFiles
running module_upgrade_request Legend
running module_upgrade_request Temperature
running module_upgrade_request Parameter
in_remap: Parameter
running module_upgrade_request SquareLattice
running module_upgrade_request ClassicalMonteCarloParameters
running module_upgrade_request ShowListOfHTMLFiles
running module_upgrade_request IterateValue
running module_upgrade_request PrepareMonteCarlo
running module_upgrade_request ConvertXML2HTML
running module_upgrade_request TextCell
running module_upgrade_request LoadBinningAnalysis
running module_upgrade_request GetResultFiles
running module_upgrade_request ClassicalIsingModel
** trying to fix errors in edu.utah.sci.vistrails.basic
default upgrades
VisTrails 2010-07-16 08:13:46,713 CRITICAL: File '/home/selimthegrim/vistrails-src-1.5-rev1832/vistrails/core/upgradeworkflow.py' at line 67: Package cannot handle upgrade request. VisTrails will attempt automatic upgrade.
Pipeline cannot be instantiated:
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 1.4.2 of package edu.utah.sci.vistrails.basic
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
running handle_invalid_pipeline
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 1.4.2 of package edu.utah.sci.vistrails.basic
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
--- trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 1.4.2 of package edu.utah.sci.vistrails.basic
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
+++ trying to fix Missing version 0.6.0 of package org.comp-phys.alps
** trying to fix errors in org.comp-phys.alps
default upgrades
running module_upgrade_request Convert2XML
running module_upgrade_request WriteInputFiles
in_remap: WriteInputFiles
running module_upgrade_request SimulationName
running module_upgrade_request SetLabels
in_remap: SetLabels
running module_upgrade_request RunSpinMC
running module_upgrade_request LatticeModel
in_remap: LatticeModel
running module_upgrade_request ShowListOfPlots
running module_upgrade_request GetCloneFiles
running module_upgrade_request Legend
running module_upgrade_request Temperature
running module_upgrade_request Parameter
in_remap: Parameter
running module_upgrade_request SquareLattice
running module_upgrade_request ClassicalMonteCarloParameters
running module_upgrade_request ShowListOfHTMLFiles
running module_upgrade_request IterateValue
running module_upgrade_request PrepareMonteCarlo
running module_upgrade_request ConvertXML2HTML
running module_upgrade_request TextCell
running module_upgrade_request LoadBinningAnalysis
running module_upgrade_request GetResultFiles
running module_upgrade_request ClassicalIsingModel
** trying to fix errors in edu.utah.sci.vistrails.basic
default upgrades
VisTrails 2010-07-16 08:13:46,852 CRITICAL: File '/home/selimthegrim/vistrails-src-1.5-rev1832/vistrails/core/upgradeworkflow.py' at line 67: Package cannot handle upgrade request. VisTrails will attempt automatic upgrade.
/opt/alps/bin/spinmc --Tmin 5 --write-xml /tmp/vt_tmphTz4iM/vt_tmpW15EOF/cluster.in.xml >& /tmp/vt_tmphTz4iM/vt_tmpEMnSUB.log
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number
VisTrails 2010-07-16 08:21:36,123 CRITICAL: File '/home/selimthegrim/vistrails-src-1.5-rev1832/vistrails/core/upgradeworkflow.py' at line 67: Package cannot handle upgrade request. VisTrails will attempt automatic upgrade.
VisTrails 2010-07-16 08:21:37,576 CRITICAL: File '/home/selimthegrim/vistrails-src-1.5-rev1832/vistrails/core/upgradeworkflow.py' at line 67: Package cannot handle upgrade request. VisTrails will attempt automatic upgrade.
sh: Syntax error: Bad fd number

mentioned logfiles are empty, and preferences say orgs.comp-phys.alps is 0.7.0!

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 7:16 AM, Matthias Troyer <troyer@phys.ethz.ch> wrote

I assume you mean the first beta release 2.0.0b1. That one will only work with the tutorial files included with 2.0.0b1. The files from the web page require the latest release 2.0.0b2 or a nightly snapshot.

About your execution problems the most likely reason is that you did not set up the path to the ALPS executables in Vistrails. To do so choose Preferences from the Edit menu, click on the packages tab, select alps from the package list and click configure. Then change the alpspath variable to point to the location of the ALPS executables.


On 16 Jul 2010, at 01:54, Noah Rahman wrote:

> Ubuntu lucid, alps 2.0.1. I specified the vistrails directory in the also configure script; should I be telling vistrails something? I see all the alps functions on the left hand side.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 15, 2010, at 9:49 PM, Matthias Troyer <troyer@phys.ethz.ch> wrote:
>> On 15 Jul 2010, at 21:18, Noah Rahman wrote:
>>> Vistrails recognizes the ALPS extensions, but I couldn't make it recognize the Ising simulation as an additional package in the first set of tutorials. It seemed that the tutorial script wants the 0.6.0 version of orgs.comp-phys.alps packages and ALPS 2.0 has version 0.7.0? I grepped and replaced it and the same issue remained
>> I just tried this on my machine and all works. VT should automatically upgrade 0.6 to 0.7. What version of ALPS do you use and on which OS?
>> Matthias Troyer