Usually writing in the same file is not very common, since each task gets its own output file.

The error that you see usually refers to the second half of the script, i.e. when you load and evaluate the results.
Wen this happens usually something else went wrong in the previous step, i.e. running the actual dmrg program. Do you see any other error message?


ETH Zurich
Michele Dolfi
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On Oct 4, 2015, at 8:21 AM, 郭怀明 <> wrote:

Dear all,
 Recently I use dmrg of alps. I run three dmrg programs simultaneously and sometimes I get the following information, which stop the program.
 I raise a question: since the dmrg write files while it is running, is there a problem when several programs run? These program may wirte the same files to the same folder, which will cause a problem. (I use the alps in windows 7).
 Thank you very much.

Huaiming Guo

The group '/spectrum' does not exist.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\VisTrails\Python27_64\lib\site-packages\pyalps\"
, line 269, in ReadDiagDataFromFile
    if 'results' in self.h5f.list_children(respath):
PathNotFound: The group '/spectrum' does not exist.