

I’m fairly new to the ALPS package. I’m installing the most recent formal 2.0.0 release on our computation cluster (running RHEL 5.3) for one of our users at the university, and ideally I would like to build the package with the Intel MKL libraries. I took a brief look through the mailing list archive yesterday to see if I could find some clues. A recent posting suggested that the following recipe should do the trick:


export MKL_HOME=/local/software/intel/mkl/

ccmake -DQMC_BITS=64 -DLAPACK_LINKER_FLAGS="-lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core -lmkl_intel_lp64" /local/software/rh53/alps/2.0.0/source/alps-2.0.0-r5363-src-with-boost/alps


Unfortunately this doesn’t appear to work. In fact I think that the MKL references are being ignored, and the package is being built using the internal blas/lapack libraries – I could be wrong.  I’m building with the GNU compilers by the way.  Does anyone please have any useful advice on how to build ALPS with the MKL libraries. It would be very much appreciated.


Best – David.