Hello everyone,

I have been trying to extend a finished worm simulation to run for longer following the steps described in here:


The original input file is parm5a.in.xml.

I have changed "finished" to "running" in parm5a.out.xml 

I have increased the value of SWEEPS in parm5a.task1.out.xml 
but I get the following errors

$mpirun -np 4 worm --mpi parm5a.out.xml --Tmin 5 --write-xml

parameters do not match: SWEEPS, value: 500000000 [= 500000000], value2: 900000000 [= 900000000]
Cannot change parameter SWEEPS
Cannot open simulation file parm5a.task1.out.xml.
Simulation 1 does not exist.
All processes have been assigned
Task# 1 does not exist

Is it because I am doing it wrong or because it is not allowed in the code?

If this is not possible, it's not such a terrible thing. I can just add from the beginning an number of sweeps with way too many zeroes on the right and run it for a fixed amount of time or until a convergence criteria is achieved, but I am not sure I am doing it all correctly.

Thank you very much,
Francisco Cordobes