I am using ALPS to examine the excitations, temperature and magnetic field dependence of a coupled dimer system. I would like to use the fulldiag code. Are there ways to implement the use of multiprocessors for this code? currently I am using the commands
input_file=pyalps.writeInputFiles(‘parm’, parms)
res = pylaps.runApplication(‘fulldiag’, input_file)
data = pyalps.evaluateFulldiagVersusT(pyalps.getResultFiles(prefix=’parm’),Delta_T=1.0, T_min=1.0, T_max=51)
as described in the tutorial pages.
Thank you,
Matthew B. Stone
Neutron Scattering Science Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PO box 2008 MS6475
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6475
Phone: 1-865-202-6898
Fax: 1-865-574-6080