On Feb 24, 2020, at 5:55 AM, Negin Mohseni <monfarednegin@gmail.com> wrote:Dear all,In the file named as lattice.xml, I have seen that for a ladder structure there is the below code:
<LATTICEGRAPH name = "ladder" vt_name="LadderLattice">
<LATTICE ref="square lattice"/>
<PARAMETER name="W" default="2"/>
<EXTENT dimension="1" size="L"/>
<EXTENT dimension="2" size="W"/>
<BOUNDARY dimension="1" type="periodic"/>
<BOUNDARY dimension="2" type="open"/>
<UNITCELL ref="anisotropic2d"/>
I am running spin_one_half.py code in the folder "alps\Library\tutorials\dmrg-01-dmrg" for a ladder structure. However, I do not know how and where should I exploit "printgraph parameter_file" as it mentioned by developers to show the structure which a user is making use.
Really, I wish to add the diagonal links on the structure and consequently I want to see the changed shape.But I do not understand how use printgraph!!!
Thankx so much
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