This looks like a problem with your MPI installation since it crashes in MPI_Init. Did you try to compile and run a simple MPI program?

On 05 Dec 2014, at 07:14, DīSouza, Sunil Wilfred <> wrote:

Dear Alps users,
                         I have installed ALPS2.2 on my local machine containing 12 processing units. I have tried running a simple tutorial given in the alps examples files. when i am using the following command "pyalps.runApplication('spinmc',input_file,Tmin=5)" , everything works fine and the ALPS program runs (Serial mode) and gives the proper output as expected. On the other hand when i use the command "pyalps.runApplication('spinmc',input_file,Tmin=5,MPI=7)" , i am getting a lot of error messages related to segmentation fault. The error messages are as follows:

mpirun -np 7 spinmc --mpi --Tmin 5
[LIN21:04682] *** Process received signal ***
[LIN21:04682] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[LIN21:04682] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[LIN21:04682] Failing at address: (nil)
[LIN21:04682] [ 0] /lib64/ [0x7f356ffcf9f0]
[LIN21:04682] [ 1] /opt/openmpi/1.4.5/gcc/lib64/openmpi/ [0x7f3569f92b62]
[LIN21:04682] [ 2] /opt/openmpi/1.4.5/gcc/lib64/ [0x7f356f2616c6]                                  
[LIN21:04682] [ 3] /opt/openmpi/1.4.5/gcc/lib64/ [0x7f356f765d11]                                            
[LIN21:04682] [ 4] /opt/openmpi/1.4.5/gcc/lib64/ [0x7f356f725acc]                                                             
[LIN21:04682] [ 5] /opt/openmpi/1.4.5/gcc/lib64/ [0x7f356f745a8b]                                                       
[LIN21:04682] [ 6] /home/sunil/ALPS2.2/lib/ [0x7f3570f60098]                                          
[LIN21:04682] [ 7] /home/sunil/ALPS2.2/lib/ [0x7f35711a08e7]                        
[LIN21:04682] [ 8] spinmc(main+0x15) [0x449a95]                          
[LIN21:04682] [ 9] /lib64/ [0x7f356d184be5]                                                                       
[LIN21:04682] [10] spinmc() [0x449de5]                                   
[LIN21:04682] *** End of error message ***                               
mpirun noticed that process rank 1 with PID 4682 on node LIN21 exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).                                           

I am very kindly requesting the ALPs users to help me out in solving the above mentioned issue. I am looking forward for your suggestions to overcome this problem.

with best regards