As Bela already replied to you, the problem are quantum numbers. Your script is actually using spin-1/2, not spin-1.
On an odd chain you cannot have Sz_total=0 using spin-1/2.

ETH Zurich
Michele Dolfi
Institute for Theoretical Physics
HIT G 32.4
Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 27
8093 Zurich

+41 44 633 78 56 phone
+41 44 633 11 15 fax 

On Mar 23, 2015, at 7:05 PM, Michele Dolfi <> wrote:

This looks pretty weird. I actually managed to reproduce the problem also with the simple "open chain lattice”.
I will have a look and let you know.


ETH Zurich
Michele Dolfi
Institute for Theoretical Physics
HIT G 32.4
Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 27
8093 Zurich

+41 44 633 78 56 phone
+41 44 633 11 15 fax 

On Mar 23, 2015, at 6:05 PM, Amir M.Aghaei <> wrote:


Is it possible to use odd number of sites with the MPS code? I am getting the following error when I change the number of sites from 8 to 7 using the tutorial file (with almost no change but changing the lattice and lattice libraries, lattice and python files are attached in case you want to reproduce):

Running task 1.
This binary contains symmetries: nu1
MAQUIS repo r4143
Temporary storage is disabled
site_types: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
phys[0]: |( <1,0,0,0,0,0>: 1 )( <-1,0,0,0,0,0>: 1 )|
Right end: <0,0,0,0,0,0>
MPS initialization has finished...
Expecting 0 states to orthogonalize to.
Boundaries are partially initialized...
Boundaries are fully initialized...
Done init_left_right
TSMPOTensor: 1x5,  5 operators, 8 tags
TSMPOTensor: 5x5,  8 operators, 11 tags
TSMPOTensor: 5x5,  9 operators, 11 tags
TSMPOTensor: 5x5,  9 operators, 11 tags
TSMPOTensor: 5x5,  9 operators, 11 tags
TSMPOTensor: 5x1,  5 operators, 8 tags
Total number of tags: 60

Sweep 0, optimizing sites 0 and 1
Exception thrown:
The group '/spectrum' does not exist.
