Dear Michal,

What you've found is a feature which was never properly finished, let alone documented.
Try defining USE_1D_STIFFNESS to True in the parameter file, and see if this has any effect.



On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 4:55 PM, "Michał Maik" <> wrote:

I asked this question earilier but recieved no response so I'll try again.  I am curious if is it possible to get the winding number histogram from the SSE and worms code.  There seem to be references to it in the code but since I am not familiar with C++ I do not know how to extract it.  In Wmeas.C I found "measurements["Winding number histogram"]" but adding, "MEASURE[Winding number histogram]=true" to the parameter file doesn't do anything.  If anyone has any suggestions on how to get this to work I would really apprieciate it.  Thanks!

Best Regards

Michal Maik