Okey. As I promised: simple example of using ALPS.

First, please make sure that ALPS is installed correctly:
after executing "make test" during installation procedure
end of the output should be something like:

"100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 98

(and some info about time of tests)."

Then, after typing "make install" I had to add few lines into my .bashrc file (you can find it in your home directory and edit with gedit):

export PATH=/opt/alps/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/opt/alps/lib

where "/opt/alps" is place when you've installed alps. Now ALPS should be ready for use. 
You can run tutorial codes by simply getting into directory with them (like for example : .../alps/tutorials/ed-01-sparsediag) and typing "python tutorial1a.py".

If you like to define your own lattice (or model) you need to create xml file with lattice (or model) in the directory you're working and specify parammeters of your simulation (http://alps.comp-phys.org/mediawiki/index.php/Tutorials:Parameters).

An example of defining rectangular lattice with next nearest neighbors interaction I'm sending with this mail. After executing "run.py" result of simulation will be stored in "example.task1.out.xml".

I hope this will be helpful.
Rafał Skolasiński

2012/12/4 Rafał Skolasiński <rjtskolasinski@gmail.com>

Hi there!
I'll give you a short but illustrative example as soon I'll be back home.


04-12-2012 08:04, "sh po" <quin_girl_sh@yahoo.com> napisał(a):

Hi friends.Recently I installed Alps on my ubuntu linux . sorry but I read your site carefully but it was so difficult for me to understand the way of working with alps.Because Im not professional enough in linux.
I have 2 question from you
1.I was wondering if you'd mind giving me a text file (for example pdf) which explains way of working with alps in an easy and complete way.
2.My other question is that where should I type the codes that you wrote in your site? I mean should I copy and past them in my terminal? or copy and past them in a text filr which I open with "gedit" in linux?If a text file, so with what type I must save that text file?and after that with what compiler I must run it on my terminal?
thanks alot for your help.