Hi Matthias,
Thanks for your reply. Below is the simplest implementation that I could cook up with free spinless fermions on two sites with *directed* bonds. The output of sparsediag, including the error, is
parsing task files ...
Starting task 1.
Quantumnumber N going from 0 to 2 with increment 1
Cannot evaluate expression t# * 1 * 1
My short source is attached below. I hope that it's a quick task to figure out what is wrong with the implementation.
Thanks in advance,
Alexandru Petrescu / Physics Department, Yale University
Code attachment
In <alps-dir>/lib/xml/lattices.xml I added
<GRAPH name="my 2-site" vertices="2">
<EDGE source="1" target="2" type="1"/>
<EDGE source="2" target="1" type="2"/>
In <alps-dir>/lib/xml/models.xml,
<HAMILTONIAN name="free spinless fermions with bondterm type">
<PARAMETER name="mu" default="0"/>
<PARAMETER name="t" default="1"/>
<BASIS ref="spinless fermion"/>
<SITETERM site="i">
<PARAMETER name="mu#" default="mu"/>
<BONDTERM type="1" source="i" target="j">
<PARAMETER name="t#" default="t"/>
<BONDTERM type="2" source="i" target="j">
<PARAMETER name="t#" default="t"/>
The parameter file is
LATTICE="my 2-site";
MODEL="free spinless fermions with bondterm type"
t = 3.0;
V = 0.0;
If instead "spinless fermions" with V=0 are used in the parameter file, sparsediag works, but all energies come out to be 0.