Urs, can you please send your input files, especially the lattice file. Could you please also check whether the dirloop_sse_v1 code, which is the old code, works on your input?


Begin forwarded message:

From: Sergei Isakov <isakov@itp.phys.ethz.ch>
Date: October 28, 2010 18:59:30 GMT+02:00
To: Matthias Troyer <troyer@phys.ethz.ch>
Subject: Re: [ALPS-users] Problem in ALPS 2.0b4 which does not occur in ALPS 1.3.3

I don't really understand this output. I probably need that lattices-ug.xml file to check. Does dirloop_sse_v1 work?


On 28 Oct 2010, at 18:47, Matthias Troyer wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Urs Gerber ITP <gerberu@itp.unibe.ch>
Date: October 28, 2010 15:43:38 GMT+02:00
To: comp-phys-alps-users@lists.phys.ethz.ch
Subject: [ALPS-users] Problem in ALPS 2.0b4 which does not occur in ALPS 1.3.3
Reply-To: comp-phys-alps-users@lists.phys.ethz.ch

Here are the files I use and the output I get:


LATTICE="latticegraph square bilayer";
L = 12;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="ALPS.xsl"?>
<JOB xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://xml.comp-phys.org/2003/8/job.xsd">
<OUTPUT file="bilayer-test.out.xml"/>
<TASK status="new">
 <INPUT file="bilayer-test.task1.in.xml"/>
 <OUTPUT file="bilayer-test.task1.out.xml"/>

output in the terminal:

Quantum Monte Carlo simulations using the SSE algorithm v. 4.0
available from http://alps.comp-phys.org/
copyright (c) 2003-2010 by Sergei Isakov <isakov@itp.phys.ethz.ch>

using the ALPS parallelizing scheduler
copyright (c) 1994-2006 by Matthias Troyer <troyer@comp-phys.org>.
see Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1505, p. 191 (1998).

based on the ALPS libraries version 2.0.0b4
available from http://alps.comp-phys.org/
copyright (c) 1994-2010 by the ALPS collaboration.
Consult the web page for license details.
For details see the publication:
A.F. Albuquerque et al., J. of Magn. and Magn. Materials 310, 1187 (2007).

parsing task files ...
Model name:  '' - run #1
Objective:   Minimize(R0)

Model size:       18 constraints,       9 variables,           42 non-zeros.
Constraints:      18 equality,          0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
Variables:         0 integer,           0 semi-cont.,           0 SOS.

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.

Optimal solution with dual simplex at iteration          6

Final solution               0.84127 at iteration        6.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

Memo: Largest [etaPFI v1.0] inv(B) had 0 NZ entries, 0.0x largest basis.
   In the total iteration count 6, 0 (0.0%) were minor/bound swaps.
   There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
          ... on average 6.0 major pivots per refactorization.
   Total solver time was 0.000 seconds.
Model name:  '' - run #1
Objective:   Minimize(R0)

Model size:       18 constraints,       9 variables,           42 non-zeros.
Constraints:      18 equality,          0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
Variables:         0 integer,           0 semi-cont.,           0 SOS.

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.

Optimal solution with dual simplex at iteration          6

Final solution               0.84127 at iteration        6.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

Memo: Largest [etaPFI v1.0] inv(B) had 0 NZ entries, 0.0x largest basis.
   In the total iteration count 6, 0 (0.0%) were minor/bound swaps.
   There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
          ... on average 6.0 major pivots per refactorization.
   Total solver time was 0.000 seconds.
Model name:  '' - run #1
Objective:   Minimize(R0)

Model size:       18 constraints,       9 variables,           42 non-zeros.
Constraints:      18 equality,          0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
Variables:         0 integer,           0 semi-cont.,           0 SOS.

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.

Optimal solution with dual simplex at iteration          5

Final solution               0.84127 at iteration        5.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

Memo: Largest [etaPFI v1.0] inv(B) had 0 NZ entries, 0.0x largest basis.
   In the total iteration count 5, 0 (0.0%) were minor/bound swaps.
   There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
          ... on average 5.0 major pivots per refactorization.
   Total solver time was 0.000 seconds.
Model name:  '' - run #1
Objective:   Minimize(R0)

Model size:       18 constraints,       9 variables,           42 non-zeros.
Constraints:      18 equality,          0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
Variables:         0 integer,           0 semi-cont.,           0 SOS.

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.

Optimal solution with dual simplex at iteration          5

Final solution               0.84127 at iteration        5.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

Memo: Largest [etaPFI v1.0] inv(B) had 0 NZ entries, 0.0x largest basis.
   In the total iteration count 5, 0 (0.0%) were minor/bound swaps.
   There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
          ... on average 5.0 major pivots per refactorization.
   Total solver time was 0.000 seconds.
Model name:  '' - run #1
Objective:   Minimize(R0)

Model size:       18 constraints,       9 variables,           48 non-zeros.
Constraints:      18 equality,          0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
Variables:         0 integer,           0 semi-cont.,           0 SOS.

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.

Optimal solution with dual simplex at iteration          6

Final solution                     0 at iteration        6.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

Memo: Largest [etaPFI v1.0] inv(B) had 0 NZ entries, 0.0x largest basis.
   In the total iteration count 6, 0 (0.0%) were minor/bound swaps.
   There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
          ... on average 6.0 major pivots per refactorization.
   Total solver time was 0.000 seconds.
Model name:  '' - run #1
Objective:   Minimize(R0)

Model size:       18 constraints,       9 variables,           48 non-zeros.
Constraints:      18 equality,          0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
Variables:         0 integer,           0 semi-cont.,           0 SOS.

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.

Optimal solution with dual simplex at iteration          6

Final solution                     0 at iteration        6.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

Memo: Largest [etaPFI v1.0] inv(B) had 0 NZ entries, 0.0x largest basis.
   In the total iteration count 6, 0 (0.0%) were minor/bound swaps.
   There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
          ... on average 6.0 major pivots per refactorization.
   Total solver time was 0.000 seconds.
Model name:  '' - run #1
Objective:   Minimize(R0)

Model size:       18 constraints,       9 variables,           48 non-zeros.
Constraints:      18 equality,          0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
Variables:         0 integer,           0 semi-cont.,           0 SOS.

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.

Optimal solution with dual simplex at iteration          6

Final solution                     0 at iteration        6.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

Memo: Largest [etaPFI v1.0] inv(B) had 0 NZ entries, 0.0x largest basis.
   In the total iteration count 6, 0 (0.0%) were minor/bound swaps.
   There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
          ... on average 6.0 major pivots per refactorization.
   Total solver time was 0.000 seconds.
Model name:  '' - run #1
Objective:   Minimize(R0)

Model size:       18 constraints,       9 variables,           48 non-zeros.
Constraints:      18 equality,          0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
Variables:         0 integer,           0 semi-cont.,           0 SOS.

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.

Optimal solution with dual simplex at iteration          6

Final solution                     0 at iteration        6.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

Memo: Largest [etaPFI v1.0] inv(B) had 0 NZ entries, 0.0x largest basis.
   In the total iteration count 6, 0 (0.0%) were minor/bound swaps.
   There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
          ... on average 6.0 major pivots per refactorization.
   Total solver time was 0.000 seconds.
Model name:  '' - run #1
Objective:   Minimize(R0)

Model size:       18 constraints,       9 variables,           42 non-zeros.
Constraints:      18 equality,          0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
Variables:         0 integer,           0 semi-cont.,           0 SOS.

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.

Optimal solution with dual simplex at iteration          6

Final solution              0.465116 at iteration        6.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

Memo: Largest [etaPFI v1.0] inv(B) had 0 NZ entries, 0.0x largest basis.
   In the total iteration count 6, 0 (0.0%) were minor/bound swaps.
   There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
          ... on average 6.0 major pivots per refactorization.
   Total solver time was 0.000 seconds.
Model name:  '' - run #1
Objective:   Minimize(R0)

Model size:       18 constraints,       9 variables,           42 non-zeros.
Constraints:      18 equality,          0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
Variables:         0 integer,           0 semi-cont.,           0 SOS.

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.

Optimal solution with dual simplex at iteration          6

Final solution              0.465116 at iteration        6.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

Memo: Largest [etaPFI v1.0] inv(B) had 0 NZ entries, 0.0x largest basis.
   In the total iteration count 6, 0 (0.0%) were minor/bound swaps.
   There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
          ... on average 6.0 major pivots per refactorization.
   Total solver time was 0.000 seconds.
Model name:  '' - run #1
Objective:   Minimize(R0)

Model size:       18 constraints,       9 variables,           42 non-zeros.
Constraints:      18 equality,          0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
Variables:         0 integer,           0 semi-cont.,           0 SOS.

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.

Optimal solution with dual simplex at iteration          5

Final solution              0.465116 at iteration        5.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

Memo: Largest [etaPFI v1.0] inv(B) had 0 NZ entries, 0.0x largest basis.
   In the total iteration count 5, 0 (0.0%) were minor/bound swaps.
   There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
          ... on average 5.0 major pivots per refactorization.
   Total solver time was 0.000 seconds.
Model name:  '' - run #1
Objective:   Minimize(R0)

Model size:       18 constraints,       9 variables,           42 non-zeros.
Constraints:      18 equality,          0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
Variables:         0 integer,           0 semi-cont.,           0 SOS.

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.

Optimal solution with dual simplex at iteration          5

Final solution              0.465116 at iteration        5.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

Memo: Largest [etaPFI v1.0] inv(B) had 0 NZ entries, 0.0x largest basis.
   In the total iteration count 5, 0 (0.0%) were minor/bound swaps.
   There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
          ... on average 5.0 major pivots per refactorization.
   Total solver time was 0.000 seconds.
Model name:  '' - run #1
Objective:   Minimize(R0)

Model size:       18 constraints,       9 variables,           48 non-zeros.
Constraints:      18 equality,          0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
Variables:         0 integer,           0 semi-cont.,           0 SOS.

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.

Optimal solution with dual simplex at iteration          6

Final solution                     0 at iteration        6.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

Memo: Largest [etaPFI v1.0] inv(B) had 0 NZ entries, 0.0x largest basis.
   In the total iteration count 6, 0 (0.0%) were minor/bound swaps.
   There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
          ... on average 6.0 major pivots per refactorization.
   Total solver time was 0.001 seconds.
Model name:  '' - run #1
Objective:   Minimize(R0)

Model size:       18 constraints,       9 variables,           48 non-zeros.
Constraints:      18 equality,          0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
Variables:         0 integer,           0 semi-cont.,           0 SOS.

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.

Optimal solution with dual simplex at iteration          6

Final solution                     0 at iteration        6.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

Memo: Largest [etaPFI v1.0] inv(B) had 0 NZ entries, 0.0x largest basis.
   In the total iteration count 6, 0 (0.0%) were minor/bound swaps.
   There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
          ... on average 6.0 major pivots per refactorization.
   Total solver time was 0.000 seconds.
Model name:  '' - run #1
Objective:   Minimize(R0)

Model size:       18 constraints,       9 variables,           48 non-zeros.
Constraints:      18 equality,          0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
Variables:         0 integer,           0 semi-cont.,           0 SOS.

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.

Optimal solution with dual simplex at iteration          6

Final solution                     0 at iteration        6.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

Memo: Largest [etaPFI v1.0] inv(B) had 0 NZ entries, 0.0x largest basis.
   In the total iteration count 6, 0 (0.0%) were minor/bound swaps.
   There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
          ... on average 6.0 major pivots per refactorization.
   Total solver time was 0.000 seconds.
Model name:  '' - run #1
Objective:   Minimize(R0)

Model size:       18 constraints,       9 variables,           48 non-zeros.
Constraints:      18 equality,          0 GUB,                  0 SOS.
Variables:         0 integer,           0 semi-cont.,           0 SOS.

Using DUAL simplex for phase 1 and PRIMAL simplex for phase 2.

Optimal solution with dual simplex at iteration          6

Final solution                     0 at iteration        6.

Excellent numeric accuracy ||*|| = 0

Memo: Largest [etaPFI v1.0] inv(B) had 0 NZ entries, 0.0x largest basis.
   In the total iteration count 6, 0 (0.0%) were minor/bound swaps.
   There were 0 refactorizations, 0 triggered by time and 0 by density.
          ... on average 6.0 major pivots per refactorization.
   Total solver time was 0.000 seconds.
Created run 1 locally
Starting task 1.

After this it stops creating output in the terminal and no output files are produced.