
I am compiling alps2.0.0-- -r5363 on a linux machine (fedora) with intel compilers and mkl

I use boost provided by alps. python version is 2.6.4

the cmake command is as follows:

cmake -D Boost_ROOT_DIR:PATH=~/alps/alps-2.0.0-r5363-src-with-boost/boost -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/alps/alps-2.0.0-r5363 -D LAPACK_64_BIT=ON -DLPSOLVE_ROOT=~/alps/lp_solve_4.0 ~/alps/alps-2.0.0-r5363-src-with-boost/alps

cmake, make, make test,  all went fine. however, I got the following error during the install:

CMake Error at lib/pyalps/cmake_install.cmake:41 (FILE):
  file INSTALL cannot find
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  cmake_install.cmake:94 (INCLUDE)

I checked that before the installation the file pyalea_c.so existed. Strangely enough, after the preceding error, it has disappeared.

any clue of what happened?


Benoît Grémaud


Researcher at CNRS, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (Paris, France)

Visiting Associate Professor at the Centre for Quantum Technologies (NUS, Singapore)