I was trying to use the looper algorithm, would this work? The Sx works fine and they should be equivalent...

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-------- Original message --------
From: jmm <mauricio.matera@gmail.com>
Date: 18/10/2018 18:47 (GMT+01:00)
To: comp-phys-alps-users@lists.phys.ethz.ch
Subject: Re: [ALPS-users] Sy operator

You must be surge that your simulation is handling complex values...


El jue., 18 oct. 2018 13:28, Stanislaw Galeski <galeskis@phys.ethz.ch> escribió:
Dear All,

I am struggling to define the Sy operator in my Hamiltonian. For the
'Spin' hamiltonian the Sx operator is defined as

<SITEOPERATOR name="Sx" site="x">

however when i attempted defining Sy in a similar manner:

<SITEOPERATOR name="Sy" site="x">

the simulations halt without producing any output. Could you point me
how to implement the Sy operator properly and where am i making a

In the long run I am attempting to apply two different fields in the XY
plane, GammaX along x and GammaY along y

Kind regards,

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