Okey, so if I have extracted file in path specifed in last mail, and I made this directory /opt/alps, where should I be, while executing this "make ..." commands?
Don't build it in /opt/alps !!!!On Mar 3, 2012, at 8:02 PM, Rafał wrote:Dear Matthias,W dniu 3 marca 2012 08:25 użytkownik Matthias Troyer <troyer@phys.ethz.ch> napisał:
Hi and welcome!No, on the contrary, this is just the right place to ask such questions!On 2 Mar 2012, at 22:51, Rafał wrote:Welcome everyone,It's my first mail to this mailing list, I'm using that's kind of thing first time so if my behave is unpropriate please don't take it offensive.It's good to hear that :).Do you by chance build inside the source directory? That should never be done and might lead to such problems.I'd like to ask if anyone of you tried to run ALPS on ubuntu 11.10. I've tried to build ALPS, after doing everyting under "Get dependent libraries and tools on Debian GNU/Linux (sid)", as it was on the wiki:
but I've get some serious problem. When I execute "make install" I get something like that:CMake Error at lib/pyalps/cmake_install.cmake:42 (FILE):file INSTALL cannot find "/opt/alps/lib/pyalps/pyhdf5_c.so".Call Stack (most recent call first):cmake_install.cmake:94 (INCLUDE)I'm not sure. Here's exactly what I did.I downloaded alps-2.0.3-src.tar.gz file with the link from:and unpacked boost and alps folder into my home directory:~/src/alps2/boost and ~/src/alps2/alpsI've created directory /opt/alps and gave myself write access there.Than I changed my directory to /opt/alps and executed there following commands:cmake -D BLAS_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/libblas.so -D LAPACK_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/liblapack.so -DBoost_ROOT_DIR:PATH=/home/arymanus/src/alps2/boost /home/arymanus/src/alps2/alpscmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/alps /home/arymanus/src/alps2/alpsmakemake testmake installAnd than I tried this work-around I wrote about in my first e-mail.Mayby I should execute this upper commands while being in another directory? It's not specified in instruction.I've manage to workaround it by disabling #INCLUDE("/opt/alps/lib/pyalps/cmake_install.cmake") in cmake_install.cmake and executing it manualy before using "make install". Everything was build with success but when I tried to run some example scripts like this one there:python reported that he (it?) couldn't find pyalps....That's no wonder since you commented out the installation of pyalpsYours sincerely,Rafał Skolasiński