I think you need:<INHOMOGENEOUS><EDGE/></INHOMOGENEOUS> For the second case, you need to define a graph with different edge types, then you can assign the values in the parameters with:coeff0=…coeff1=……Note that there is no automatic lattice graph for an all-to-all graph. This you need to define yourself in a graph file.MicheleOn 28 Jun 2017, at 09:38, John Ian Kenneth E. Felismino <jfelismino@nip.upd.edu.ph> wrote:Ian FelisminoThanks.and it still didn't work.Hello again.I tried using an inhomogenous periodic 1D chain lattice defined as
<LATTICEGRAPH name = "inhomogeneous periodic chain lattice" vt_skip="true">
<LATTICE ref="chain lattice"/>
<EXTENT dimension="1" size="L"/>
<BOUNDARY type="periodic"/>
<UNITCELL ref="simple1d"/>
For the second solution, how do you assign coefficients for every source and target? I need to find the difference for varying (long) ranges.On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 12:53 PM, Michele Dolfi <dolfim@phys.ethz.ch> wrote:Actually both the “abs” and “^” operators seem to be allowed, but the problem might come from the (i-j) term.Using the coordinates in the coefficients is instead a non-trivial feature. It only works if you define the lattice as inhomogeneous. You should see some examples non the lattices.xml file.As an alternative solution, you could define the lattice as a graph and set independent coefficients on the bonds and edges. You should find other examples in the mailing list, or on this page https://alps.comp-phys.org/mediawiki/index.php/Tutorial s:LatticeHOWTO:SimpleGraphs Best,MicheleOn 27 Jun 2017, at 08:14, John Ian Kenneth E. Felismino <jfelismino@nip.upd.edu.ph> wrote:<Kitaev Hamiltonian.png>Thanks.Hi!The hamiltonian I'm using is attached as a picture file. As you can see, the bond terms are proportional to abs(i - j)^\alpha. i was wondering if this is possible in Alps because I have tried doing it (crudely) with DMRG and found that it did not produce an output xml. I had simply added the term "/abs(i-j)^alpha#" in my hamiltonian. When I remove this term, the Hamiltonian works, so clearly the problem is with this proportionality term.Ian Felismino
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