Dear Michele:
I am studying the supplemental codes of Kitaev model in your recent paper "Matrix product state applications for the ALPS project".
However, I can only find the brief description on how to enable the Z2 symmetry. In the Appendix of your paper, you mentioned that the Z2 symmetry can be enabled at compile-time using the CMake option DMRG_BUILD_SYMMETRIES.
I tried to implement your instruction by doing the following steps (I have gotten the latest version of ALPS package by executing $ svn co
1. First I finish the steps up to "# Compile and install":
# Configuration
$ cd build
$ cmake ../alps
2. Then I cd into the file "build";
Find and open "CMakeCache.txt";
Find the following CMake option:
//List of symmetry to include in the build objects. U1, TwoU1,
// NU1, Z2 and NONE are currently available.
3. Change it to the following:
//List of symmetry to include in the build objects. U1, TwoU1,
// NU1, Z2 and NONE are currently available.
Then save the "CMakeCache.txt" file.
4. Next I go ahead to finish the "# Compile and install" by executing the following:
# Compile and install
$ make # -j 4 for compilation in parallel using 4 processes
$ sudo make install
However, once I successfully install the ALPS_MPS, I find that even though I can successfully employ the Z2 symmetry,