Dear Tarun,

The DMRG code is computing the entanglement entropy during the optimization process. You can access these data with the function:
iter = pyalps.loadMeasurements(pyalps.getResultFiles(prefix='parm_spin_one_half'),
                               what=[ 'Iteration Entropy'])

I'm attaching an extension of the DMRG tutorial 01, which is also plotting entanglement entropy.

If you are just interested at the final results, you could just consider the last iteration.


ETH Zurich
Michele Dolfi
Institute for Theoretical Physics
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8093 Zurich

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Il giorno 15-giu-2012, alle ore 03:27, ha scritto:

Hi All!

I am very new to ALPS and trying to use it for DMRG of simple
one-dimensional models. I would be thankful if someone can point out to me
the python command in ALPS to access entanglement entropy (or better, the
entanglement spectrum) that is generated at the end of DMRG convergence.

Thank you,

ps: I am assuming that the entanglement entropy in ALPS DMRG corresponds
to the partition that divides the system into two-halves.