Hi Jia,
the easiest way is to examine the hdf5 file (typically called sim.h5). ALPS estimates the autocorrelation times for all RealObservables and RealVectorObservables and writes them as ‘tau’ into the hdf5 file. h5ls -r sim.h5 will give you an overview of the hdf5 file. Find your observable under /simulation/results/name_of_observable/ and then have a look at the value of ‘tau’.
Some of the larger observables are stored as SimpleRealVectorObservables, and they do NOT have binning information stored (mainly for efficiency reasons). If you need autocorrelation times for those observables, you’ll have to change their type to RealVectorObservable.
On Sep 18, 2014, at 2:18 AM, Jia Chen <jc4165@columbia.edu> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I would like to know, if I can have auto-correlation time from hybridization expansion ctqmc simulations. I want to have an estimation of like, if it saturates with interaction parameters and if simulation is long enough. Appreciate your help.
> Best Wishes
> Jia