dear all,

thanks for the responses, and sorry for the delay to reply. Yes, i was using the dmrg, and in fact using this new dmrg application `mps_optim`, as suggested by Michele Dolfi, solved my problem! I didn't know about this application, is there somewhere i can find a tutorial about it, or is it exactly the same input's as dmrg? And just a last point, in this application can i measure some "four-point" correlations, like "cdag_m:c_{m+1}:cdag_n:c_{n+1}" ?

best regards,

Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 08:52:52 +0200
From: Michele Dolfi <>
Subject: Re: [ALPS-users] alternative fermion Hubbard
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi Fernando,

If you are using a recent version of ALPS, e.g. 2.2.0b3, you can use the new dmrg application `mps_optim`.

It works the same way as the `dmrg` application, but additionally allows you to measure correlation functions for i<j, which very often is good enough.
cdag_up c_up]="cdag_up:c_up"

Best regards,

ETH Zurich
Michele Dolfi
Institute for Theoretical Physics
HIT G 32.4
Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 27
8093 Zurich

+41 44 633 78 56 phone
+41 44 633 11 15 fax

On Jun 12, 2014, at 2:08 AM, Ryo IGARASHI <> wrote:

> Hi, Fernando,
> Assuming that you use DMRG simulation since you specify 'MAXSTATES'.
> (2014/06/12 0:10), Fernando Iemini wrote:
>> I've using the ''alternative fermion Hubbard'' model, with open boundary
>> conditions, and analyzing its single-particle correlations, <cdag_up:c_up>.
>> I'm not being able however to compute these observables for larger
>> lattices, e.g., L=~160. I'm getting a "segmentation fault" message, does
>> anybody know why is happening this error, maybe due to memory? If so, what
>> would be good parameters in order to avoid it?
>> Here is the script i'm using:
>> LATTICE="open chain lattice"
>> MODEL="alternative fermion Hubbard"
>> N_total=160
>> Sz_total=0
>> Nup_total=80
>> Ndown_total=80
>> mu=0
>> t=1
>> L=160
>> MEASURE_CORRELATIONS[cdag_up c_up]="cdag_up:c_up"
>> {U = 9.000000e-01,V=5.500000e-01,TRUNCATION_ERROR=1e-7}
> This is memory issue. The problem is that 'MEASURE_CORRELATIONS'
> collects all pair sites. Observing ~10000 measurements costs too much
> memory.
> Not tested, but I believe that you can avoid this issue by tweaking
> models.xml and lattices.xml. Change the name of some specific operator
> and just calculating between them.
> --
> tel: 04-7136-5343, fax: 04-7136-3441
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