CMake Error: Could not open file for write in copy operation /CMakeSystem.cmake.tmp
CMake Error: : System Error: Permission denied
CMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineSystem.cmake:182 (configure_file):
configure_file Problem configuring file
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:110 (include)
Build type: Release
ALPS version: 2.1.1
Looking for Boost Source
CMake Error at config/FindBoostSrc.cmake:85 (file):
file Internal CMake error when trying to open file:
C:/Users/Niraj/src/boost_1_42_0/boost/version.hpp for reading.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
config/FindBoostForALPS.cmake:61 (find_package)
CMakeLists.txt:248 (find_package)
CMake Error at config/FindBoostSrc.cmake:90 (MATH):
math cannot parse the expression: " / 100000": syntax error, unexpected
exp_DIVIDE, expecting exp_OPENPARENT or exp_NUMBER (2)
Call Stack (most recent call first):
config/FindBoostForALPS.cmake:61 (find_package)
CMakeLists.txt:248 (find_package)
CMake Error at config/FindBoostSrc.cmake:91 (MATH):
math cannot parse the expression: " / 100 % 1000": syntax error, unexpected
exp_DIVIDE, expecting exp_OPENPARENT or exp_NUMBER (2)
Call Stack (most recent call first):
config/FindBoostForALPS.cmake:61 (find_package)
CMakeLists.txt:248 (find_package)
CMake Error at config/FindBoostSrc.cmake:92 (MATH):
math cannot parse the expression: " % 100": syntax error, unexpected
exp_MOD, expecting exp_OPENPARENT or exp_NUMBER (2)
Call Stack (most recent call first):
config/FindBoostForALPS.cmake:61 (find_package)
CMakeLists.txt:248 (find_package)
Found Boost Source: C:/Users/Niraj/src/boost_1_55_0
Boost Version: __
MPI compiler was
Check for working Fortran compiler using: Visual Studio 9 2008
Check for working Fortran compiler using: Visual Studio 9 2008 -- broken
CMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeTestFortranCompiler.cmake:54 (message):
The Fortran compiler "ifort" is not able to compile a simple test program.
It fails with the following output:
Change Dir: C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
Run Build Command:C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\Common7\IDE\VCExpress.exe
CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE.sln /build Debug /project cmTryCompileExec3702901631
Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Express Edition Version 9.0.21022.8.
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2007. All rights reserved.
cannot be opened because its project type (.vfproj) is not supported by
this version of Visual Studio.
To open it, please use a version that supports this type of project.
Invalid project
vcexpress [solutionfile | projectfile | anyfile.ext] [switches]
The first argument for devenv is usually a solution file or project file.
You can also use any other file as the first argument if you want to have
file open automatically in an editor. When you enter a project file, the
looks for an .sln file with the same base name as the project file in the
parent directory for the project file. If no such .sln file exists, then
IDE looks for a single .sln file that references the project. If no such
.sln file exists, then the IDE creates an unsaved solution with a default
file name that has the same base name as the project file.
Command line builds:
devenv solutionfile.sln /build [ solutionconfig ] [ /project
projectnameorfile [ /projectconfig name ] ]
Available command line switches:
/Log Logs IDE activity to the specified file for troubleshooting.
/ResetSettings Restores the IDE's default settings, optionally resets to
the specified VSSettings file.
/SafeMode Launches the IDE in safe mode loading minimal windows.
Product-specific switches:
/debugexe Open the specified executable to be debugged. The
remainder of the command line is passed to this
executable as its arguments.
/useenv Use PATH, INCLUDE, LIBPATH, and LIB environment variables
instead of IDE paths for VC++ builds.
To attach the debugger from the command line, use:
VsJITDebugger.exe -p <pid>
CMake will not be able to correctly generate this project.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
config/FindLapack.cmake:220 (enable_language)
CMakeLists.txt:304 (find_package)
Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
Please send the output of the first attempt if you want us to help. The second is definitely wrong.Dr. Troyer, actually I tried C:/Users/Niraj/src/boost_1_55_0 first, it didn't work. Then I tried C:/Users/Niraj/src/boost_1_55_0/boost to see if it would work but it didn't.I can see messages BLAS_LIBRARY- NOT59ZTBW, DAKC4UFOUND, LAPACK_LIBRARY-NOT FOUND, MPI_LIBRARY - NOT FOUND, etc. Do you think we need to fix these issues as well ?That depends on what codes you want to build.On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 10:47 PM, Matthias Troyer <> wrote:
I think you set the Boost root directory incorrectly. Try the root directory
Boost_ROOT_DIR:PATH=C:/Users/Niraj/src/boost_1_55_0instead of the include directoryBoost_ROOT_DIR:PATH=C:/Users/Niraj/src/boost_1_55_0/boostMatthiasOn 26 Mar 2014, at 16:48, Niraj Ghimire <> wrote:<CMakeCache.txt>This is the CMakeCache.txt file that I found in the location C:\Users\UserName\build\alps and I believe this is the one you are looking for. There are files with the same name in other folders too (e.g., C:\Users\UserName\build\CLAPACK, C:\Users\UserName\build\vtk etc).On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 11:38 AM, Matthias Troyer <> wrote:
I can try to help if you send your CMakeCache.txt file.
On 26 Mar 2014, at 16:35, Niraj Ghimire <> wrote:Dr. Troyer, I downloaded "boost 1.55.0" (and I cannot use a version newer than that because alps 2.1.1 does not support it) and tried to build it using CMake but I got the same error message yet again. I checked that the boost folder contains file version.hpp, I specified this location for Boost_root_directory in CMake, it didn't work. I have no idea what went wrong and how to fix it.P.S. Like you said, building from source is really difficult on Windows, I am going to have a Linux based machine in a few days and then I will build alps from source.
On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 12:47 AM, Matthias Troyer <> wrote:You will need a more recent version of Boost and should check that the directory you specify contains a file boost\version.hpp .MatthiasThe path to the source tree of the boost library would be C:\Users\Username\src\boost_1_42_0, right ? I treid that but it didn't work.On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 12:27 AM, Matthias Troyer <> wrote:
As you can see in the message, you need to specify the path to the source tree of the Boost library.
Sorry about that. This is the error message on CMake that I got when I hit "Configure."CMake Error: Could not open file for write in copy operation /CMakeSystem.cmake.tmpCMake Error: : System Error: Permission deniedCMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineSystem.cmake:182 (configure_file):
configure_file Problem configuring file
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:110 (include)Build type: ReleaseALPS version: 2.1.1Looking for precompiled Boost libraries (version >= 1.47)Could NOT find BoostCould NOT find BoostLooking for Boost SourceCMake Error at config/FindBoostSrc.cmake:102 (message):
Boost Source not Found
Call Stack (most recent call first):
config/FindBoostForALPS.cmake:61 (find_package)
CMakeLists.txt:248 (find_package)Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!See also "C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".See also "C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 12:03 AM, Matthias Troyer <> wrote:
Need the output of CMake, not the error fileThis is the content from the CMakeError.txt file. Hope this helps to figure out what went wrong.Determining if the include file rpc/rpc.h exists failed with the following output:Change Dir: C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmpRun Build Command:C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\Common7\IDE\VCExpress.exe CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE.sln /build Debug /project cmTryCompileExec2655219810Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Express Edition Version 9.0.21022.8.Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2007. All rights reserved.1>------ Build started: Project: cmTryCompileExec2655219810, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------1>Compiling...1>Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.21022.08 for 80x861>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>cl /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_DEBUG" /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /D "_MBCS" /FD /RTC1 /MDd /Fo"cmTryCompileExec2655219810.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"cmTryCompileExec2655219810.dir\Debug\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /TC .\CheckIncludeFile.c1>CheckIncludeFile.c1>.\CheckIncludeFile.c(1) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'rpc/rpc.h': No such file or directory1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Niraj\build\alps\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\cmTryCompileExec2655219810.dir\Debug\BuildLog.htm"1>cmTryCompileExec2655219810 - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Determining if the include file sys/systeminfo.h exists failed with the following output:Change Dir: C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmpRun Build Command:C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\Common7\IDE\VCExpress.exe CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE.sln /build Debug /project cmTryCompileExec3412457876Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Express Edition Version 9.0.21022.8.Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2007. All rights reserved.1>------ Build started: Project: cmTryCompileExec3412457876, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------1>Compiling...1>Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.21022.08 for 80x861>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>cl /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_DEBUG" /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /D "_MBCS" /FD /RTC1 /MDd /Fo"cmTryCompileExec3412457876.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"cmTryCompileExec3412457876.dir\Debug\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /TC .\CheckIncludeFile.c1>CheckIncludeFile.c1>.\CheckIncludeFile.c(1) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'sys/systeminfo.h': No such file or directory1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Niraj\build\alps\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\cmTryCompileExec3412457876.dir\Debug\BuildLog.htm"1>cmTryCompileExec3412457876 - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========Determining if the include file unistd.h exists failed with the following output:Change Dir: C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmpRun Build Command:C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\Common7\IDE\VCExpress.exe CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE.sln /build Debug /project cmTryCompileExec4027216326Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Express Edition Version 9.0.21022.8.Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2007. All rights reserved.1>------ Build started: Project: cmTryCompileExec4027216326, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------1>Compiling...1>Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.21022.08 for 80x861>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>cl /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_DEBUG" /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /D "_MBCS" /FD /RTC1 /MDd /Fo"cmTryCompileExec4027216326.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"cmTryCompileExec4027216326.dir\Debug\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /TC .\CheckIncludeFile.c1>CheckIncludeFile.c1>.\CheckIncludeFile.c(1) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'unistd.h': No such file or directory1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Niraj\build\alps\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\cmTryCompileExec4027216326.dir\Debug\BuildLog.htm"1>cmTryCompileExec4027216326 - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 5:41 PM, Niraj Ghimire <> wrote:
On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 5:38 PM, Matthias Troyer <> wrote:
I don't find the error message that you reported here, and the output looks truncatedOn 24 Mar 2014, at 22:15, Niraj Ghimire <> wrote:The content of the Cmake output.txt file is huge, I have no idea how to convey it to you, so I have just copied it here:The system is: Windows - - AMD64Compiling the C compiler identification source file "CMakeCCompilerId.c" succeeded.Compiler:Build flags:Id flags:The output was:0Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Express Edition Version 9.0.21022.8.Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2007. All rights reserved.1>------ Build started: Project: CompilerIdC, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------1>Compiling...1>CMakeCCompilerId.c1>Linking...1>Embedding manifest...1>Performing Post-Build Event...1>CMAKE_C_COMPILER=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\cl.exe1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Niraj\build\alps\CMakeFiles\\CompilerIdC\Debug\BuildLog.htm"1>CompilerIdC - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========Compilation of the C compiler identification source "CMakeCCompilerId.c" produced "CompilerIdC.exe"Compilation of the C compiler identification source "CMakeCCompilerId.c" produced "CompilerIdC.vcproj"The C compiler identification is MSVC, found in "C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/"Compiling the CXX compiler identification source file "CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp" succeeded.Compiler:Build flags:Id flags:The output was:0Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Express Edition Version 9.0.21022.8.Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2007. All rights reserved.1>------ Build started: Project: CompilerIdCXX, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------1>Compiling...1>CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp1>Linking...1>Embedding manifest...1>Performing Post-Build Event...1>CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\cl.exe1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Niraj\build\alps\CMakeFiles\\CompilerIdCXX\Debug\BuildLog.htm"1>CompilerIdCXX - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========Compilation of the CXX compiler identification source "CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp" produced "CompilerIdCXX.exe"Compilation of the CXX compiler identification source "CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp" produced "CompilerIdCXX.vcproj"The CXX compiler identification is MSVC, found in "C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/"Determining if the C compiler works passed with the following output:Change Dir: C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmpRun Build Command:C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\Common7\IDE\VCExpress.exe CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE.sln /build Debug /project cmTryCompileExec343473873Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Express Edition Version 9.0.21022.8.Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2007. All rights reserved.1>------ Build started: Project: cmTryCompileExec343473873, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------1>Compiling...1>Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.21022.08 for 80x861>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>cl /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_DEBUG" /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /D "_MBCS" /FD /RTC1 /MDd /Fo"cmTryCompileExec343473873.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"cmTryCompileExec343473873.dir\Debug\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /TC .\testCCompiler.c1>testCCompiler.c1>Compiling manifest to resources...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.01>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Linking...1>Embedding manifest...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.01>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Niraj\build\alps\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\cmTryCompileExec343473873.dir\Debug\BuildLog.htm"1>cmTryCompileExec343473873 - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Detecting C compiler ABI info compiled with the following output:Change Dir: C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmpRun Build Command:C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\Common7\IDE\VCExpress.exe CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE.sln /build Debug /project cmTryCompileExec1510577454Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Express Edition Version 9.0.21022.8.Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2007. All rights reserved.1>------ Build started: Project: cmTryCompileExec1510577454, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------1>Compiling...1>Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.21022.08 for 80x861>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>cl /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_DEBUG" /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /D "_MBCS" /FD /RTC1 /MDd /Fo"cmTryCompileExec1510577454.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"cmTryCompileExec1510577454.dir\Debug\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /TC "..\..\..\..\..\..\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\CMakeCCompilerABI.c"1>CMakeCCompilerABI.c1>Compiling manifest to resources...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.01>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Linking...1>Embedding manifest...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.01>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Niraj\build\alps\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\cmTryCompileExec1510577454.dir\Debug\BuildLog.htm"1>cmTryCompileExec1510577454 - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Determining if the CXX compiler works passed with the following output:Change Dir: C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmpRun Build Command:C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\Common7\IDE\VCExpress.exe CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE.sln /build Debug /project cmTryCompileExec3488916556Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Express Edition Version 9.0.21022.8.Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2007. All rights reserved.1>------ Build started: Project: cmTryCompileExec3488916556, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------1>Compiling...1>Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.21022.08 for 80x861>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>cl /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_DEBUG" /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /D "_MBCS" /FD /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /Fo"cmTryCompileExec3488916556.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"cmTryCompileExec3488916556.dir\Debug\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /TP .\testCXXCompiler.cxx1>testCXXCompiler.cxx1>Compiling manifest to resources...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.01>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Linking...1>Embedding manifest...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.01>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Niraj\build\alps\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\cmTryCompileExec3488916556.dir\Debug\BuildLog.htm"1>cmTryCompileExec3488916556 - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Detecting CXX compiler ABI info compiled with the following output:Change Dir: C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmpRun Build Command:C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\Common7\IDE\VCExpress.exe CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE.sln /build Debug /project cmTryCompileExec683221049Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Express Edition Version 9.0.21022.8.Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2007. All rights reserved.1>------ Build started: Project: cmTryCompileExec683221049, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------1>Compiling...1>Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.21022.08 for 80x861>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>cl /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_DEBUG" /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /D "_MBCS" /FD /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /Fo"cmTryCompileExec683221049.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"cmTryCompileExec683221049.dir\Debug\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /TP "..\..\..\..\..\..\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\share\cmake-2.8\Modules\CMakeCXXCompilerABI.cpp"1>CMakeCXXCompilerABI.cpp1>Compiling manifest to resources...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.0
1>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Linking...1>Embedding manifest...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.01>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Niraj\build\alps\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\cmTryCompileExec683221049.dir\Debug\BuildLog.htm"1>cmTryCompileExec683221049 - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Determining if the include file stdarg.h exists passed with the following output:Change Dir: C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmpRun Build Command:C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\Common7\IDE\VCExpress.exe CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE.sln /build Debug /project cmTryCompileExec2444191313Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Express Edition Version 9.0.21022.8.Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2007. All rights reserved.1>------ Build started: Project: cmTryCompileExec2444191313, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------1>Compiling...1>Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.21022.08 for 80x861>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>cl /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_DEBUG" /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /D "_MBCS" /FD /RTC1 /MDd /Fo"cmTryCompileExec2444191313.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"cmTryCompileExec2444191313.dir\Debug\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /TC .\CheckIncludeFile.c1>CheckIncludeFile.c1>Compiling manifest to resources...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.01>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Linking...1>Embedding manifest...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.01>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Niraj\build\alps\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\cmTryCompileExec2444191313.dir\Debug\BuildLog.htm"1>cmTryCompileExec2444191313 - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Determining if the include file sys/stat.h exists passed with the following output:Change Dir: C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmpRun Build Command:C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\Common7\IDE\VCExpress.exe CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE.sln /build Debug /project cmTryCompileExec2769291780Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Express Edition Version 9.0.21022.8.Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2007. All rights reserved.1>------ Build started: Project: cmTryCompileExec2769291780, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------1>Compiling...1>Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.21022.08 for 80x861>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>cl /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_DEBUG" /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /D "_MBCS" /FD /RTC1 /MDd /Fo"cmTryCompileExec2769291780.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"cmTryCompileExec2769291780.dir\Debug\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /TC .\CheckIncludeFile.c1>CheckIncludeFile.c1>Compiling manifest to resources...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.01>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Linking...1>Embedding manifest...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.01>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Niraj\build\alps\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\cmTryCompileExec2769291780.dir\Debug\BuildLog.htm"1>cmTryCompileExec2769291780 - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Determining if the include file sys/types.h exists passed with the following output:Change Dir: C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmpRun Build Command:C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\Common7\IDE\VCExpress.exe CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE.sln /build Debug /project cmTryCompileExec1053364341Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Express Edition Version 9.0.21022.8.Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2007. All rights reserved.1>------ Build started: Project: cmTryCompileExec1053364341, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------1>Compiling...1>Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.21022.08 for 80x861>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>cl /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_DEBUG" /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /D "_MBCS" /FD /RTC1 /MDd /Fo"cmTryCompileExec1053364341.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"cmTryCompileExec1053364341.dir\Debug\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /TC .\CheckIncludeFile.c1>CheckIncludeFile.c1>Compiling manifest to resources...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.01>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Linking...1>Embedding manifest...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.01>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Niraj\build\alps\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\cmTryCompileExec1053364341.dir\Debug\BuildLog.htm"1>cmTryCompileExec1053364341 - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Determining if the include file windows.h exists passed with the following output:Change Dir: C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmpRun Build Command:C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\Common7\IDE\VCExpress.exe CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE.sln /build Debug /project cmTryCompileExec3672226274Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Express Edition Version 9.0.21022.8.Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2007. All rights reserved.1>------ Build started: Project: cmTryCompileExec3672226274, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------1>Compiling...1>Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.21022.08 for 80x861>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>cl /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_DEBUG" /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /D "_MBCS" /FD /RTC1 /MDd /Fo"cmTryCompileExec3672226274.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"cmTryCompileExec3672226274.dir\Debug\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /TC .\CheckIncludeFile.c1>CheckIncludeFile.c1>Compiling manifest to resources...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.01>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Linking...1>Embedding manifest...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.01>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Niraj\build\alps\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\cmTryCompileExec3672226274.dir\Debug\BuildLog.htm"1>cmTryCompileExec3672226274 - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Determining if the include file valarray exists passed with the following output:Change Dir: C:/Users/Niraj/build/alps/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmpRun Build Command:C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~3.0\Common7\IDE\VCExpress.exe CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE.sln /build Debug /project cmTryCompileExec2495394295Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Express Edition Version 9.0.21022.8.Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2007. All rights reserved.1>------ Build started: Project: cmTryCompileExec2495394295, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------1>Compiling...1>Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.21022.08 for 80x861>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>cl /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_DEBUG" /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /D "_MBCS" /FD /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /Fo"cmTryCompileExec2495394295.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"cmTryCompileExec2495394295.dir\Debug\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /TP .\CheckIncludeFile.cxx1>CheckIncludeFile.cxx1>Compiling manifest to resources...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.01>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Linking...1>Embedding manifest...1>Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.01>Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Niraj\build\alps\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\cmTryCompileExec2495394295.dir\Debug\BuildLog.htm"1>cmTryCompileExec2495394295 - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
The system is: Windows - - AMD64The system is: Windows - - AMD64On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 5:06 PM, Matthias Troyer <> wrote:
These errors mean that you did not specify the correct paths to various libraries. You will have to provide the CMake output for us to help. But please be aware that building from source on Windows is hard.
Thank you, Dr. Troyer. Now I am having problems trying to build ALPS. I downloaded the source package alps-2.2.b1-r7195-src.tar.gz from the webpage "" and tried to build it, I was not successful at all. Then I downloaded the other source package alps-2.1.1-r6176-src.tar.gz from the same page and tried to build it, I ended up getting the same error message which reads "Error in configuration process, project files may be invalid."Where can I find the correct source code for ALPS ?Regards,Niraj GhimireGraduate StudentDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of ConnecticutOn Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 3:23 AM, Matthias Troyer <> wrote:
lpsolve and sqlite are not needed anymore. zlib and szlib are included in the binary distributions of HDF5 for Windows, which are easier to use than building from source.On Mar 24, 2014, at 12:32 AM, Niraj Ghimire <> wrote:Dear alps users,I have been trying to build alps package from source on Windows 7 OS. I have been following the outdated instructions on the pageI could not find the proper versions of Zlib, SZlib, Lpsolve and SQlite. There are links on this webpage that read "Check out the source code from <>" where <> is, for instance, for "Lpsolve". I don't know how to download the source codes using these links.I tried to download the source codes from a trusted webpage like, some of them work while others don't and I keep getting errors.Please help me.Regards,Niraj GhimireGraduate StudentDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of Connecticut