On 18 Sep 2015, at 06:51, Huaiming Guo <hmguo@buaa.edu.cn> wrote:<parm3a.task1.out.xml>Dear Prof. Matthias Troyer,Thank you for your quick response. I attach one of the results. Since I find “Tau” is ‘nan’ (what is its meaning), I naively think the result may be incorrect. Maybe it is due to the choice of mu that there is no particle and I will check later.By the way, if I calculate many mu, how can I easily extract the results in the command way? Here the physical quantity is checkerboard charge order, can I get the charge order with other momentum?Sincerely,Huaiming发件人: comp-phys-alps-users-bounces@lists.phys.ethz.ch [mailto:comp-phys-alps-users-bounces@lists.phys.ethz.ch] 代表 Matthias Troyer
发送时间: 2015年9月18日 12:28
收件人: comp-phys-alps-users@lists.phys.ethz.ch
主题: Re: [ALPS-users] dirloop_sse
Hi,Can you explain what you mean by the result not being correct?
On Sep 18, 2015, at 05:06, Huaiming Guo <hmguo@buaa.edu.cn> wrote:Dear all,I use dirloop_sse to calculate the hardcore-boson Hubbard model, but with next nearest neighbor hoppings. I revised the model and lattice as below or in the attached file. However the result is not correct. I want to know where the problem is. Thank you very much.Sincerely,Huaiming Guo<HAMILTONIAN name="hardcore boson"><PARAMETER name="mu" default="0"/><PARAMETER name="t" default="1"/><PARAMETER name="V" default="0"/><PARAMETER name="t'" default="0"/><PARAMETER name="V'" default="0"/><PARAMETER name="t''" default="0"/><PARAMETER name="V''" default="0"/><PARAMETER name="t0" default="t"/><PARAMETER name="t1" default="t'"/><PARAMETER name="V0" default="V"/><PARAMETER name="V1" default="V'"/><BASIS ref="hardcore boson"/><SITETERM site="i"><PARAMETER name="mu#" default="mu"/>-mu#*n(i)</SITETERM><BONDTERM source="i" target="j"><PARAMETER name="t#" default="0"/><PARAMETER name="V#" default="0"/>-t#*(bdag(i)*b(j)+bdag(j)*b(i)) + V#*n(i)*n(j)</BONDTERM></HAMILTONIAN><UNITCELL name="nnn2d" dimension="2"><VERTEX/><EDGE type="0"><SOURCE vertex="1" offset="0 0"/><TARGET vertex="1" offset="0 1"/></EDGE><EDGE type="1"><SOURCE vertex="1" offset="0 0"/><TARGET vertex="1" offset="1 0"/></EDGE><EDGE type="2"><SOURCE vertex="1" offset="0 0"/><TARGET vertex="1" offset="1 1"/></EDGE><EDGE type="2"><SOURCE vertex="1" offset="0 0"/><TARGET vertex="1" offset="1 -1"/></EDGE></UNITCELL><LATTICEGRAPH name = "ladder" vt_name="LadderLattice"><FINITELATTICE><LATTICE ref="square lattice"/><PARAMETER name="W" default="2"/><EXTENT dimension="1" size="L"/><EXTENT dimension="2" size="W"/><BOUNDARY dimension="1" type="periodic"/><BOUNDARY dimension="2" type="open"/></FINITELATTICE><UNITCELL ref="nnn2d"/></LATTICEGRAPH><dd.dat>