On 24 Nov 2014, at 18:37, vitbka konef <konefvitbka53@gmail.com> wrote:Results is agree for sse , but disagree for worm for AF and FM Heisenbrg model.On my graphics : green curve - worm, red curve - Mathematica.I was attached test of the result for AF-Heisenberg.<Test_Energy_Heis_AF.png>2014-11-24 20:00 GMT+05:00 Matthias Troyer <troyer@phys.ethz.ch>:Hi Konev,Thank you for your quick reply. I looked at your Mathematica file and it indeed gives the same results as the ALPS fulldiag code. I also checked the sse code and it gives the same results - just the like the red curve in your plot. Can you try using the sse code and check if the results still disagree?Best regardsMatthiasOn 22 Nov 2014, at 14:42, vitbka konef <konefvitbka53@gmail.com> wrote:<Test_Energy_Heis_FM.png>My name is Konev Vitaliy.1) Yes , it does.2) In Mathematica I use the periodic boundary conditions.How realised the periodic boundary conditions in ALPS library?I was attached test of the result for periodic boundary condition.