Yes, they are the same except of course that the results of a simulation depend on the lattice size, and an 8x8 lattice and an 8x16 lattice will not have exactly the same properties.

On 6 Jul 2007, at 07:11, John Single wrote:

AH yes. I am sorry, it is version 1.2. So if distance doesn't matter, then a square lattice vs a rectangular lattice with the same coupling strengths are identical? I tried to run the simulations with both and they were semi-identical.

-Thanks, John

On 7/6/07, <> wrote:
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: 2-D heisenberg system (Matthias Troyer)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2007 21:48:37 -0600
From: Matthias Troyer <>
Subject: Re: [ALPS-users] 2-D heisenberg system
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed

On 28 Jun 2007, at 08:57, John Single wrote:

> Hello,
>        I am having a little difficulty understanding the tutorial
> for ALPS version 2. Is their a difference between the rectangular
> lattice and square lattice? If we set the coupling itself in 2d(J0
> and J1) then does relative distance matter or is distance and
> coupling strength two separate factors that make up an effective
> coupling strength?
> -Thanks, John

We do not have any ALPS version 2 yet. Do you mean ALPS 1.2 or ALPS
1.3? The distance does not enter anywhere.

The way it works is that you define different bond types in the
lattice (e.g. type 0,1,2) and then define  Hamiltonian terms for each
bond type. These terms can have different coupling constants (e.g. J0
and J1). There is a shortcut for that in version 1.3 and that's why I
first need to know which version you are referring to.


End of Comp-phys-alps-users Digest, Vol 16, Issue 1