Thank you for your answers, I think I understand much more now.
I would like to clarify just 2 points:
1) I don't get why should I divide 48 by 3?
What do you call a bond?
- Is it a $ J_{i,j} ( S^x_i * S^x_j + S^y_i * S^y_j + S^z_i * S^z_j ) = J_{i,j} ((S_i, S_j)) $ ?
Here I've denoted a scalar product with the double parentheses
- Or is it just an edge in the lattice graph? - For example
<EDGE><SOURCE vertex="1" offset="0 0 0"/><TARGET vertex="2" offset="0 0 0"/></EDGE>
<EDGE><SOURCE vertex="1" offset="0 0 0"/><TARGET vertex="4" offset="-1 -1 0"/></EDGE>
where the former is an intracell edge, and the later is an intercell edge.
I meant I had the 48 such intra- and intercell edges together.
2) I know about --time-limit option, and the tutorial says:
-- gives the time (in seconds) which the program should run before writing a final checkpoint and exiting
Can I restart the simulation again and make the ALPS using the obtained output data to proceed further?
I know it sounds stupid to interrupt the simulation to restart it later. Otherwise, I would need to talk to sysadmin to change privileges for my account, so my simulations could exceed 48 hours.
Best regards,