Dear Dr. Trebst
I'm a graduate student in physics department at berkeley.
Currently i'm trying to learn to use the ALPS library and
application and have met some problems.
I'm not sure whether you are the right person to contact.
If not, please ignore the following and take my apology.
(1). In the lattices.xml library, the triangular lattice is
<LATTICE name="triangular lattice" dimension="2">
<PARAMETER name="a" default="1"/>
<VECTOR>a*sqrt(3)/2 a/2</VECTOR>
<VECTOR>0 4*pi/a/sqrt(3)</VECTOR>
<VECTOR>2*pi/a -2*pi/a/sqrt(3)</VECTOR>
The 2nd basis vector (a*sqrt(3)/2, a/2) doesn't look correct to me. Or
maybe I misunderstood how it is represented.
(2). In the tutorial I can't find out how to make spatially
anisotropic model. For example, anisotropic triangular Heisenberg
It seems that the <BONDTERM> doesn't care the type of bond, or
the type of source/target sites.
Does this kind of feature have been incorporated into the applications,
or do I have to write my own code to implement this?
Thank you for your help.
Best regards.